sw campus

Our Story

 After a period of transition, Grace Airdrie hired Dr. John Harrison as their Senior Pastor in the fall of 2019. The church was poised for a new era and anticipated future possibilities. Some former members returned, while new people continued to come each Sunday bringing excitement and stability to the church fellowship. A five-year vision was presented to the congregation in 2020 with a focus on building an infrastructure for future growth, and the mission “to make disciples who experience and extend God’s grace” was adopted.

Then covid-19 and the pandemic hit and although some things were put on hold, the goal was to keep moving forward while maintaining the unity of the church. In the fall of 2020, Shane Dell was hired as the family pastor, and Connor Bayduza as a part-time youth pastor. For the next couple of years, the words “disciple-making” and “multiply” were key and at the 2022 annual meeting in January Pastor John shared a devotional on what it means to be fruitful and multiply. Then in November of 2022 Pastor John caught covid with some serious symptoms. But in this time, he had time to pray and seek God’s direction for Grace. One night at 2:00 a.m. God impressed on him the vision, “To multiply kingdom growth through multisite churches in Airdrie and area within a shared leadership system.”
A vision was developed over 2023 and a proposal to launch a multisite campus on SW side of Airdrie was presented at the annual meeting in January 2024, with Pastor Shane Dell becoming the campus pastor. A 93% positive response from the membership gave approval to move ahead with launching a second site. Since then, God continues to open the doors of opportunity. Windsong Heights School has approved our application, and we anticipate a launch date for the new campus in the spring of 2025. We have received funding from our CNBC conference and another amount is set aside in our budget this year to launch. Jesus has commissioned us to go and make disciples, not to stay and make disciples. And so, we go with confidence in Christ’s authority, his command, and in his presence to be with us always (Mt 28:18-20).
We call you and invite you to join us in this exciting mission and vision that Jesus has given us to be one church in two locations.