Welcome to Airdrie Bible Quizzing

Who Are We  ?

We represent a community of parents and young individuals aged 11-18 (Grade 6-12) who are passionate about the memorizing God's Word.

What is Quizzing ?

Quizzing is a Christian sport that fosters abilities in speed, strategy, rapid thinking, recollection, and teamwork, with a primary focus on memorizing God's Word. 

Why do we Quiz ? 

Participating in Bible Quizzing offers several benefits:
 - It helps deepen your understanding of the Bible no matter your age or experience
 - Quizzing naturally enhances memorization skills
 - Meeting regularly with like-minded individuals helps foster a sense of community and
    teamwork while developing lifelong friendships
 - Quizzing helps challenge those who tend to be tentative when speaking in front of
    people, and builds their confidence for future situations
 - Participants are challenged in their critical thinking about Biblical teachings, and
   and learn how to apply them in various contexts

When Do We Meet ?

Our gathering take place on Tuesday evening from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. During these sessions, we delve into our current material, pray for one another, and hone our skills

Where Do We Meet ?

We typically gather at Grace Baptist Church in Airdrie. There is also travel throughout the year to connect with other quizzers in various locations across Alberta. These meets typically take place on Fridays and Saturdays. In the 2024/2025 quiz year we will be travelling to Lethbridge in November, St. Albert in January, and Camp Nakamun in April!

Quizzing Forms and Fees  for the year 2024/2025

* Please note that at this time the Junior quiz group (Grade 4&5) is full