sw campus

Our Story

In November 2022, God impressed upon the Senior Pastor of Grace Airdrie, Dr. John Harrison, the vision, “To multiply kingdom growth through multisite churches in Airdrie and area within a shared leadership system.” Over the next year this vision was developed and a proposal to launch a multisite campus on SW side of Airdrie at the Windsong Heights School was presented at the annual meeting in January 2024, with Pastor Shane Dell becoming the campus pastor. A 93% positive response from the membership gave approval to move ahead with starting a second site. The goal is to launch this new campus in the spring of 2025.
The plan is to transition both campuses in a healthy way by sending three waves or groups of people to launch the SW Campus. Much like the exiles returned from Babylon in three waves to restore the land and rebuild the temple and walls of Jerusalem through Zerubbabel, Ezra, and Nehemiah, we envision the first wave as the core team of about 40 people being sent in November 2024 to go through a period of training and preparation. The second wave of volunteers will come in the Spring of 2025 at the launch to help in specific areas as needed. The third wave of supporters will be people who live in the SW corner of Airdrie and will be invited in the fall of 2025 to become a committed member and supporter of the SW campus as we seek “to make disciples of Jesus who experience and extend God’s grace.”