Prayer Ministries 

In Person & Online Grace Community

Prayer is a powerful means that God has given his people to demolish strongholds, set people free, and change lives and communities forever. Join Grace’s Kingdom Intercessors and sign up for one or all these areas in praying for others:
1. Prayer Supporter – The aim of this ministry is to pray for the needs and spiritual growth of a person or family connected with Grace. You can choose to pray through the church directory or choose one person (men with men or women with women) or one family to pray for and connect with every four months. I would like to:

2. Prayer Team – The aim of this ministry is to pray for God’s deliverance and work in the lives of people who come to or watch online the worship services on Sunday morning, and for other related worship service needs. I would like to join:

3. Prayer Responder – Like a first responder, the aim of this ministry is to pray for people in immediate crisis, whether it is for healing, emotional support, or other critical needs that are passed down through a prayer chain.

4. Prayer Partner – The aim of the ministry is to pray for the pastors, staff, leadership, and ministries of Grace in accomplishing the mission of making disciples of Jesus who experience and extend God’s grace. Receive the latest needs and opportunities to pray for at Grace through the monthly Prayer Letter.